The right job for me - Ian’s story

The right job for me - Ian’s story

When Ian was referred to the Restart Scheme, he had been out of paid employment for eight years due to caring full time for his mum. Ian’s Jobcentre Plus work coach, felt he would benefit from employability support from the Restart Scheme due to the time that had passed since he was last in a paid job.

Restart Scheme Employment Advisers will assess a participant’s job readiness, transferrable skills and work with them to create an action plan with realistic goals to achieve.

During Ian’s initial appointment he met with Employment Adviser, Lara, who got to know Ian and his personal circumstances, to identify and prioritise areas for support. Together they created an action plan, focusing on returning to work as a personal instructor, so that Ian could be flexible with his working hours around caring for his mum.

Just a few weeks later, Ian explained that he had to place his mum into a care home, meaning he would be made homeless as a result. Lara’s priority with Ian was to find suitable accommodation, and not only support with finding work, but with housing applications too.

Our offices provide access to job search facilities, including PCs, phones, local job boards with up-to-date labour market advice from our local Recruitment Consultants.

Lara was able to support Ian by providing him with a new tablet, which included six months of data to assist with his job search. Due to his situation, Ian attended the office a lot more than previously and was determined to find work, so he could afford to find and move into a new home.

“We provided vouchers for interview clothes and helped Ian to prepare for video interviews on his new tablet, in a quiet space in our office.

“Ian interviewed for a residential position at a supported living facility and was successful. This has amazingly solved both problems of work and home. Ian is now looking forward to a new start in his career, whilst working near his family.”

Ian told us: “I thought I was 18 all over again, and could take on the world, and do everything all on my own, but I couldn’t. My Employment Advisor and the team at the Restart Scheme couldn’t have been more supportive. Everyone at the office was so approachable, they really listened to me and showed me great respect. Lara was so positive, which is exactly what you need whilst out of work and having difficulties.”

We wish Ian all the best in his new career and for the future!