Self-belief - Robert’s story

When Robert joined the Restart Scheme, he told us how he was “nervous and unsure of what to expect.” During his initial appointment, he met with Employment Adviser, Chris, who got to know his situation, previous experience and skills.
Together they created an action plan which focused on I areas to upskill, identifying job sectors, and the end goal of finding sustainable work. Employment Adviser, Chris shared: “Robert had been out of work for a few months due to mental health and caring for his father. Robert’s main concern around returning to work was that he found the right job that suited him.”
We understand that poor health and wellbeing can sometimes make it difficult to start and stay in work. Our Health and Wellbeing team are on hand to support participants with physical and mental health during their time on the Restart Scheme.
Robert had plenty of experience in hospitality as a Chef and decided to continue with his career in this sector. Chris assisted with enrolling Robert onto several of our in-house courses: CV workshop, working with others, and self-awareness. These gave Robert confidence through meeting new people and developing his people skills.
Robert worked with Skills Trainer, Agnes, who helped him to build up his CV to a high standard, highlighting all his skills and attributes focusing on the hospitality sector.
Employment Hubs can be found in all our fixed offices, providing access to job searching facilities including, phones, PCs, and local job boards. Our Recruitment team are available to support users with up-to-date job search and labour market advice from local Recruitment Consultants.
Chris told us: “The following week, a role became available with our Recruitment Manager, for a Chef position at a local care home. I arranged an appointment with Robert, and we completed the application together, submitting his new and improved CV.
“Robert attended his next appointment with a spring in his step, as he had just had a phone call to offer him the job!”
Robert was excited to start work again and focus on creating a routine again, he shared: “Without the help and guidance on how to write a CV, I wouldn’t have got the job, thank you!”