Preparation is key – Rosie’s story

When Rosie joined the Restart Scheme, she had previous work experience as a Health Care Assistant, however, after working amongst surgeons in operating theatres, she decided this career path wasn’t for her.
During her initial appointment with her Employment Adviser, Laura, she discussed her ideas for the type of jobs she wanted to explore, and her goals of learning to drive. Rosie got to know Laura and the team at the Restart Scheme and grew confidence from her appointments, speaking to other Employment Advisers and utilising the on-site Employment Hub.
Each of our fixed offices provides access to job-search facilities, computers, phones and local job boards, featuring up to date vacancies from our local Recruitment Consultants.
“Rosie felt ready to begin applying for jobs, and so we updated her CV together and began looking at retail jobs, as this is one of the sectors Rosie wanted to explore. Following her first application, Rosie was invited to interview and was unsuccessful. This was disappointing for her; however, she didn’t let it knock her, and instead she enrolled onto several of our in-house courses to better her employability skills and confidence.” Said Laura.
“It was a positive that Rosie embraced the support and courses available, and she was able to book onto a retail ‘Sector Taster Day’ held at our office. This gave an insight of what would be expected from her if she were to pursue a job in retail.
“Rosie found the self-confidence workshops and mock interviews particularly helpful and told us that the interview skills course helped her to prepare for her next interview. At her next appointment, Rosie came into the office with a beaming smile on her face, she had been offered a job with a well-known retailer that was close to her.”
Like Rosie, we can support participants financially on their transition into work, with clothing, travel costs and equipment. The support from the Restart Scheme doesn’t stop once the participant starts employment, as we offer support for the first six months of their new job.