On the right path – Brandy’s story

Brandy was referred to the Restart Scheme after she had to give up work during COVID-19 to care for her young family, however, she was unsure on where to begin with her job search.

During an initial appointment with Employment Adviser, Emma, they identified a lack of experience in the job sectors that Brandy had previously applied for, and together they investigated what was needed to gain the experience before exploring those career paths.

Brandy and Emma worked together to improve Brandy’s CV, highlighting her skills, qualities, experience, and the fact she had taking part in several of our in-house courses and workshops. Brandy benefitted from our in-house self-confidence, interview skills, and transferrable skills workshops, and she also completed a digital IT course during her time on the Restart Scheme, which supported with her job search.

Following the preparation and support received from the Restart Scheme, Brandy felt she was in a comfortable and positive position to start applying for more jobs.

Emma told us:

“Brandy’s commitment to the Restart Scheme since day one has been exceptional, she really has taken full advantage of all the options available to her. Brandy was considered for a role, based on having such an infectious, happy personality, she absolutely smashed the interview and was then offered the job.”

Although Brandy’s future goal is to progress into a career of mental health support, she is undertaking qualifications to pursue this alongside her new full-time job, which shows her determination and improved confidence after receiving support from the Restart Scheme.

Brandy now has a full-time position as a retail store assistant at a local supermarket, which she has confirmed, during her in-work support calls, that she is really enjoying and feels happy to be back at work.